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Tend to your health, your happiness, your wellness. Your efforts will be worth it.

At Tend to Health, I help people do just that!

As you would tend to anything you care about (i.e. relationships, work, hobbies, passions), I help you tend to your health. I believe health is a journey of awareness, a conscious practice, and a process of continual growth. In our modern society it is necessary that we tend to our health and wellness daily, whether that be through movement, mindfulness, intention, nutrition, or supplementation. Together we can formulate a plan that is attainable and enjoyable!

our story

Meet Chelsea

Tend to Health is a lifestyle health and wellness practice. True health is not a trend, fad, or quick fix. It is a journey that will lead you to a more fulfilling and rewarding life. We will explore the root cause of your concerns including your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual wellbeing and the connection between them all. With over 15 years in the medical field, I have worked in a wide range of positions including Labor and Delivery nurse on a high risk maternity floor, Family Nurse Practitioner providing care at a busy outpatient clinic, Regenerative Medicine Specialist administering orthopedic injections, and Nurse Practitioner at a functional medicine clinic. I am an active member of the AANP, licensed and in good standing with several states across the US, have spent hundreds of hours training in root cause/functional medicine, and currently training to prescribe homeopathics.

what they’re saying

“I can’t thank Chelsea enough for her amazing care and guidance during my detox process. Not only is she an incredibly knowledgeable and skilled nurse practitioner, she also has a compassionate and supportive approach that made me feel comfortable and confident in my journey to feeling my best again. She truly went above and beyond to ensure that I had the necessary resources and support to succeed, and I am forever grateful for her help. If you’re in need of top-notch medical care from a compassionate and highly skilled practitioner, I highly recommend Chelsea.”

Candace M.

“I struggled for many years with insomnia, chronic migraines, inflammation, brain fog, low energy, weak immune system, and weight gain. Chelsea helped me pinpoint the root causes of my symptoms and taught me how to actually heal my body and change my lifestyle for lifelong health. Not only that, but she has patiently answered every one of my questions that have come up along the way and has made sure that I understand the how and why behind the work we’re doing. Under her guidance, I’ve seen each one of my symptoms fall away and I’m feeling better than I have in years. Working with Chelsea has been life changing for me and my family!”

Renee W.

“It was the spring of 2020; my face was in horrific condition, and my stomach pains were unbearable. I started drinking my celery juice every morning, spent hundreds at the dermatologist, and if I missed one night’s routine, it was back. Everything I took from the doctors was just masking the pain. I reached out to Chelsea Hudson, and she responded …. GUT HEALTH! She recommended getting an allergy test. I ordered the test she recommended, sent my samples in the mail, and within a week my results were back. I was allergic to celery and many other ‘healthy’ products. Chelsea is now my go-to for EVERY health concern in my life. She truly is a health encyclopedia! Her knowledge and love of health are astounding. She has completely altered my perspective on traditional medicine! If you are confused about your health situation, you could save thousands just by consulting her, and the solution is probably in the produce section. Much love and gratitude to her!”

Lacee C.

“I’ve worked with Chelsea for years on everything from supplements for our family to cleaning up how we eat to testing for where our bodies could use extra support. If there is one thing Chelsea is, it’s extremely well researched. If she wouldn’t give it to her own family, she wouldn’t recommend it for her patients. She is always learning and growing and practicing what she preaches. I have come so far on my health journey because of and with her support. She knew the causes of my symptoms and how to help heal my body. She’s patient and speaks to your level. She gives more information on her consults than anyone else I have worked with. While working with her, you can feel her passion to help people heal and continue their journey to health.”

Caroline M.

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